Underwater your text


Step 1:

Let’s start out by creating a new file. I used a 700×700 pixels canvas set at 72dpi, and I filled my background with #000921 color shade. Now make a new layer set and name it ‘Under Water Text Effect’. Then select the Horizontal Type Tool then set the font family to Arial Black, regular, 100 pt, smooth and white color shade. In a new text layer type your name, i used the show Deadliest Catch.

Step 2:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow and Pattern Overlay blending options to your white text layer.


Step 3:

Here I added the word deadliest in its own text layer.

Step 4:

Merge down your ‘Under Water Text Effect’ layer set through Layer > Merge Layer Set. Then rotate the text design to the right by a couple of pixels and apply a Plastic Wrap effect through Filter > Artistic, use the settings below.


Step 5:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Inner Glow blending option to your text design layer.


Step 6:

Now duplicate your Text Design layer and remove the layer styles attached with it. Then apply a Gaussian Blur through Filter > Blur, use the settings below.


Step 7:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Inner Glow blending option to your blurred text design layer. Then set the layer’s blending mode to Hard Light at 79% opacity level.



Underwater Text Effect.

Flawless draw

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