Change the colour of your rims!


This tutorial will teach you how to modify the colour of the car rims. You need to use Elliptical Marquee tool and various layer styles for this tutorial. I have used a free stock image which is available at:

Modify rim colour

Step 1

Open an image of a car in Photoshop

Step 2

Insert a new layer by selecting Layer > New > Layer.
Take the Elliptical Marquee tool and make a selection around the rims. You could alternatively use the polygon lasso tool or the quick mask tool, if you wish.

Step 3

Select paint bucket and fill the selection with your favourite colour. I have used #ffc350, but you can select whatever you wish.

Step 4

Change the blending option to Colour. You can experiment with various settings and choose the blending option you prefer. Then deselect the selection Ctrl + D.

Step 5 – optional

You may have noticed the brake discs and callipers have also changed colour. Use the eraser tool and carefully erase the colour.

Flawless draw

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GreenEyesLucy said...

Very nice and interesting post!!!Hope to see more...

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