How to make a tag!


n this tutorial we will learn how to make a tag. We will also learn some advanced steps in brush settings.

Final Preview of the Tag
%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Brown Sack Texture used for making the Tag

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Open a document, 600 x 450 with black background.

Draw a shape as below. Save the path.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Select the brush tool. Change the brush size to 15px.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Apply stroke path from the menu with red color (#ba0d00).

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Apply default bevel settings.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Keeping the path selected, hit Ctrl + Enter to Load path to selection.

Make a new layer and paste Into (crtl + shift + V ) the selection.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Make an ellipse on the top. delete the ellipse area as shown below.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Apply the same border bevel settings for the ellipse too.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

To make the stitch, we need to do some groundwork. Select the brush tool.

Click on any hard brush and change the size to 9px.

From the brush settings, Brush Tip Shape , move the spacing slider to 200%. Now you can see the dots a far apart.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Apply the stroke. You can see the dotted line running around the path.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Apply Gaussian blur with the following settings.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

To make the stitching we need to select 15px hard brush.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Change the roundness and spacing as shown.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

To make the brush move according as the path, change the control to Direction from the drop menu.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Apply default bevel to lift the stitch thread.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Results are shown below.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Apply the same technique for the ellipse.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Its now time to put your content. Now you can place logo image or type. But be sute to use the layer blending to overlay.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Hope you enjoyed.

%photoshop Create a Cool Stitched Tag in Photoshop

Tutorial from: PSDGUIDES.COM
Flawless draw

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