What AV should I use?


Many of you will probably ask why do I post about a security solution on a blog that is designed to talk about photoshop. Well the "magic" happened yesterday when a "naughty" virus deleted all my photoshop projects. My luck was that I make back-up of them but still it was a warning that I have a security issue. My antivirus was norton. So now after a clean sweap of my OS i'm looking to instal another av solution. I heard that BitDefender is great? Any advices? Leave a comment with the name of the AV I should use.
Flawless draw

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Clarice said...

I am reading your posts from some time and I really like what you are doing. It comes very handy.
I saw that you had some problems and I'm sorry for you. I recommend you using BitDefender Total Security 2009. It will offer you the best protection you can get against malware, phishing, spam and all other threats. The other anvtivurse solutions they are good but you need the best so give it a try. You can download it from: http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/installer/en/bitdefender_tsecurity.exe
By the way my name is Clarice, leave a reply in comments with your id if you would like to chat with me. Take care of you Edward.

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