Found on the net a very nice brush set. It's for all of you who like Chinese Symbols. You can download it from here.
I've noticed that lots of you, fans of photoshop, are having trouble installing the brushes for photoshop. So I found a nice tutorial for " How to? " from and here it is.
How to install PhotoshopBrushesTutorial First of all, be sure that Photoshop is CLOSE.
Installing .ABR files could not be much easier. You simply need to copy the file to the correct directory. If you downloaded the brush set in a zip file, you can just extract the 'abr' file straight to the right place. That "right place" is in the 'Presets' directory of your main Photoshop program folder, under the subdirectory 'Brushes'. For example, using the default installation path for Photoshop CS2, my brushes reside here:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Presets\Brushes\
Simply copy the file there, and the next time you start Photoshop, the brushes will be available from your brush set menu.
Delicate Text Effect
I’m going to share with you about how to make a delicate text effect by using some layer styles. Is it interesting for you? If yes, let’s start to read and make!
First of all, make a new document in Photoshop. I created a new document sized 1000×500 pixels with all the default settings, RGB, 72 dpi, white background etc.
Apply the Gradient Overlay layer style to this layer:
Now we have something like this:
This is the easy part; all you have to do is write out your desired text on the canvas. Get out the Horizontal Type Tool and write out your text, for example ‘Delicate’ in whatever color you want.
In the above image I’ve used a font called Cooper (170 pt, Crisp), which is sadly a commercial font. Feel free to try a different font, or you know, buy or ‘get’ a nice font from somewhere.
Ok, now let’s start with creating delicate text effect. First of all we need to add some pattern to Photoshop patterns palette to use it for creating text effect later. Open this texture or find another one using Google Images and use Edit > Define Pattern to save this picture as pattern.
Go back to our created file and apply the following layer styles to the text layer:
• Drop Shadow
• Inner Shadow
• Outer Glow
• Inner Glow
• Bevel and Emboss
• Contour
• Texture
• Satin
• Pattern Overlay
• Stroke
Now your image should now look like the image shown below:
Create a new layer and merge it with text layer to get all styles in one image. Then Press Ctrl+J to duplicate this layer, then go to previous layer and apply Filter > Blur > Motion Blur with similar settings to these:
Now we have interesting effect.
After that go to the upper layer and apply the following layer style:
• Outer Glow
If you like you can add some graphic elements to background, for example, stars. Get out the Brush Tool and select the standard brush with the next presets:
Go to background layer, create a new layer above and make the stars using color of #ffbebe.
Well, we’re pretty much finished for this tutorial, thanks for taking the time to read it!
Thanks for the tutorial to: removal from Photos
29Jul2009 Posted by Edward Stream Labels: dete removal, photo, photoshop, pixels, tutorialThe patch tool lets you repair a selected area with pixels from another area or a pattern. Like the healing brush tool, the patch tool matches the texture, lighting, and shading of the sampled pixels to the source pixels. You can also use the patch tool to clone isolated areas of an image.
To repair an area using sampled pixels:
- Select the patch tool
- Do one of the following:
- Drag in the image to select the area you want to repair, and select Source in the options bar.
- Drag in the image to select the area from which you want to sample, and select Destination in the options bar.
- To adjust the selection, do one of the following:
- Shift-drag in the image to add to the existing selection.
- Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) in the image to subtract from the existing selection.
- Alt-Shift-drag (Windows) or Option-Shift-drag (Mac OS) in the image to select an area intersected by the existing selection.
- Position the pointer inside the selection, and do one of the following:
- If Source is selected in the options bar, drag the selection border to the area from which you want to sample. When you release the mouse button, the originally selected area is patched with the sampled pixels.
- If Destination is selected in the options bar, drag the selection border to the area you want to patch. When you release the mouse button, the newly selected area is patched with the sampled pixels.
Note: You can also make a selection prior to selecting the patch tool.
To repair an area using a pattern:
- Select the patch tool
- Drag in the image to select the area you want to repair.
- To adjust the selection, do one of the following:
- Shift-drag in the image to add to the existing selection.
- Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) in the image to subtract from the existing selection.
- Alt-Shift-drag (Windows) or Option-Shift-drag (Mac OS) in the image to select an area intersected by the existing selection.
- Select a pattern from the Pattern pop-up palette in the options bar, and click Use Pattern.
Note: You can also make a selection prior to selecting the patch tool.
History of the Photoshop welcome screen.Do you remember it?
Display .07 (Photoshop precursor)
Photoshop .87 Splash Screen
(Barneyscan XP)
Photoshop 1.07 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 1.0 ship date: February 1990.
Photoshop 2.0.1 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 2.0 ship date: June 1991, 2.01 release: December 1991.
Photoshop 2.5 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 2.5 ship date: February 1993, version 1.5.1 update: July 1993.
Photoshop 3.0 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 3.0 ship date: September 1994, 3.05 update released June 1995.
Photoshop 4.0 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 4.0 ship date: November 1996, 4.01 update released April 1997.
Photoshop 5.0 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 5.0 ship date: May 1998, 5.01 update released June 1998.
Photoshop 5.5 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 5.5 ship date: July 1999.
Photoshop 6.0 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 6.0 ship date: October 2000, 6.01 update released February 2001.
Photoshop 7.0 Retail Release Splash Screen. Version 7.0 ship date: April 2002, update 7.01 released July 2002.
Photoshop CS (8.0) Retail Release Splash Screen. Version CS (8) ship date: October 2003.
Photoshop CS2 (9.0) Retail Release Splash Screen. Version CS2 (9) ship date: late April 2005 (was supposed to be May, but Photoshop CS2 shipped to users early).